Are you looking to enhance your coaching skills by getting enrolled in business coaching programs?
As a coach, you need a lot of skills to help your clients achieve desired results. In today’s age, there are hundreds of thousands of coaching programs available.
To make the decision easier for you, we have asked successful coaches to share their favourite business coaching programs and why.
We hope these curated responses from successful coaches will give you a good list of business coaching programs to start from.
Happy reading and feel free to share your favourite business coaching program in the comments below.
1. Karl Lillrud
Karl Lillrud is a globally recognized business growth expert, professional speaker, and mentor. With over 27 years of experience working with diverse organizations worldwide, Karl has become a trusted authority in entrepreneurship, innovation, and digital commerce.
Ranked among the top 30 motivational speakers globally by Global Gurus and a two-time TEDx speaker, Karl’s captivating presentations and strategic insights empower individuals and businesses to unleash their true potential.
As an accomplished author and mentor, he has helped countless entrepreneurs and Fortune 500 companies achieve remarkable growth. Karl’s holistic approach combines cutting-edge strategies with a focus on mindset mastery, enabling individuals and organizations to navigate the ever-changing business landscape with confidence.
What is your favourite business coaching program, and why?
When it comes to business coaching programs, there are countless options available, each with its own unique approach and benefits. As an experienced business growth expert, professional speaker, and mentor, I have had the privilege of exploring and participating in numerous coaching programs throughout my career.
While it’s challenging to choose just one, there is one program that stands out as my favorite: The Catalyst Method.
The Catalyst Method is a comprehensive business coaching program that empowers entrepreneurs and organizations to unlock their true potential and achieve remarkable growth. What sets this program apart is its dynamic blend of strategic insights, actionable methodologies, and a focus on personal development. This holistic approach ensures that individuals and businesses not only achieve tangible results but also experience profound transformation along the way.
Why The Catalyst Method?
Cutting-Edge Strategies: The program provides cutting-edge strategies tailored to the ever-evolving business landscape. It equips participants with the knowledge and tools they need to adapt to emerging trends, leverage technology, and stay ahead of the competition.
- Mindset Mastery: The Catalyst Method places a strong emphasis on personal growth and mindset mastery. It recognizes that success in business is intricately connected to one’s mindset and belief systems. Through powerful coaching techniques, participants develop resilience, confidence, and a growth-oriented mindset that fuels their success.
- Customization and Adaptability: The Catalyst Method recognizes that every business is unique, and one size does not fit all. The program offers a flexible framework that can be tailored to suit specific needs and challenges. Whether it’s scaling a startup or rejuvenating an established enterprise, the program adapts to each participant’s goals and aspirations.
- Ongoing Support: The journey toward business success can be challenging, and that’s where The Catalyst Method truly shines. The program provides ongoing support through a vibrant community, mastermind sessions, and personalized coaching. This network of like-minded individuals fosters collaboration, accountability, and continuous growth.
Advice for Aspiring Business Coaches:
Based on my extensive experience in the coaching industry, I would offer the following advice:
- Embrace Continuous Learning: The coaching landscape is constantly evolving. Stay updated on the latest industry trends, research, and methodologies. Continuously expand your knowledge and refine your coaching techniques to provide maximum value to your clients.
- Nurture Authentic Relationships: Building strong and authentic relationships with your clients is essential. Understand their unique challenges, goals, and aspirations. Tailor your coaching approach to meet their specific needs, and be a trusted partner throughout their journey.
- Lead by Example: As a business coach, it’s crucial to embody the principles and strategies you advocate. Showcase your own success stories and share your personal journey to inspire and motivate your clients. Lead by example and demonstrate the impact of effective coaching.
In conclusion, The Catalyst Method has earned its place as my favorite business coaching program due to its transformative approach, cutting-edge strategies, and unwavering commitment to personal and professional growth.
Whether you’re an aspiring entrepreneur or a seasoned business leader, investing in a reputable coaching program can provide the guidance and support needed to propel your business to new heights.
As an international business coach, Jacob delivers results for privately-owned B2B companies that desire consistency in sales, growth, operations, and culture across multiple jurisdictions.
Within the coaching industry, Jacob built a reputation as the youngest person ever to offer global partnership to Shirlaws Group, and for coaching organizations including Key Person of Influence, the Business Risk Institute of Australia, HSBC Bank, and CFO Centre.
Jacob has the uncanny knack for distilling complex concepts into simple and powerful strategies, a skill displayed in his weekly Blackboard Fridays videos and on stage at events including the World Business and Executive Coach Summit.
What is your favourite business coaching program, and why?
Since launching my training and coaching career almost 20 years ago, I have helped develop training programs for nine different business coaching companies and personally coached another five multi-national organizations to build their own internal solutions.
The “best” program among these, and others I have reviewed or worked alongside, ultimately depends on the specific experience a coach wants to apply, the vision they have for their practice, and any niche market opportunities a coach wants to work within (by industry, for example, or business lifecycle phase).
Most business coaching programs I see advertised focus on training an individual “how to be a good coach” without addressing “how to build a successful coaching business”. As a consequence, most coaches graduate with skills they can apply but very few paying clients or prospects upon whom to apply them.
If coaching as a career is all about changing people’s lives, then we must have clients! And we must embrace the words of my first coaching mentor, that this is a commercial opportunity for personal growth. Too many programs help only with personal growth or training in models, leaving too many coaches to run out of money and resume their previous careers after 12-18 months.
So unless you have a background in business building, and especially in the marketing and sales required for a professional services business like coaching, then the best program for you must be one that includes “how to build your business” not just fancy coaching skills and colorful models.
3. Dez Stephens
Dez Stephens is the founder of Radiant Coaches Academy, a prominent international coach training school certifying holistic coaches. She is a certified and credentialed coach, published author, and expert trainer who is known for her great insight and compassion. Dez is a social entrepreneur and people’s advocate. She has coached professionally since 2005 and has trained over 800 students in 20+ countries.
ICF Foundation’s “Gift of Coaching Collective” recognizes Dez and her professional coach training school for their pro bono initiatives. She holds a PCC credential, and her training school holds a Level 2 accreditation through the International Coaching Federation.
What is your favourite business coaching program, and why?
“A leader’s major job is to understand his or her self.”
-Edwin Friedman
I like Radiant Coaches Academy’s holistic leadership coach certification course because it’s a 3-in-1 offering!
- Leadership Coach Certification
- Holistic Coach Certification
- ICF Credential
Radiant Coaches Academy offers accredited hours from the International Coaching Federation in conjunction with a Leadership Coach Certification and an overall Holistic Coach Certification + Credential.
This course fits a range of coaching models, including individual coaching, group coaching, and team coaching.
Students are encouraged to build on their own interests and skill sets and create a coaching practice that is right for them.
Leadership Coach Training Modules include:
- Leadership Mindset
- Coaching with Presence
- Spiritual Grounding
- Optimizing Physical Energy
- Community and Connection
- Creative Expression
- Adaptive Intelligence
- Seeding Hope
- Cultivating Resilience and more
Every student leaves the training program equipped and supported to practice as a Leadership Coach and a Holistic Coach providing a life-changing service to humankind.
“A leader is anyone who takes responsibility for finding the potential in people and processes and has the courage to develop that potential.” –Brené Brown
The main trainer is Vicki Johnson who has been asking questions and listening deeply to leaders for over 35 years. She served in ordained ministry in the United Methodist Church as a small church pastor, co-appointment as a clergy couple, executive pastor of a large church, District Superintendent of 90 churches, and 9 years as senior pastor of a multi-staff, community-focused, downtown church.
The focus of her Doctorate is Leadership, Spirituality, and Story. Vicki is also certified as an Intentional Interim Ministry Specialist, Spiritual Director, and 200-hour E-RYT Yoga Instructor. Vicki has coached professionally since 2015 and holds a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) credential through ICF. She is a Lead Trainer with Level 1 ICF-certified Coach Approach Skill Training, having trained with them since 2018.
A dedicated life-long learner and teacher, Vicki delights in the way the coaching process unleashes deeply creative and authentic transformation for leaders, teams, and faith communities. In 2020 Vicki created and launched The Art of WellBeing—with group coaching courses designed to help leaders flourish in leading and in life. Over 130 have participated in 10 cohorts.
For more information, including course descriptions and testimonials, visit In 2023, she started WellBeing for Leaders, a bi-weekly e-newsletter with blogs and other wellbeing resources. Vicki enjoys reading historical fiction, practicing yoga, traveling as a pilgrimage, walking in the woods with her dog, and hiking or snowshoeing in the Colorado mountains with friends and family. Together, she and her husband Roger have 7 children and 12 grandchildren.
4. Eric Nutting
Dr. Eric Nutting is a dedicated professional, Certified Holistic Life Coach, and Certified Business Coach. As the proud owner of The Growth Coach of St. Petersburg, he is committed to empowering individuals and businesses to reach their full potential. With a genuine passion for helping people succeed, Dr. Nutting specializes in couples and partnerships, recognizing the crucial role they play in personal and professional growth.
Through his extensive expertise, he guides his clients on a transformative journey, fostering holistic development and creating harmonious relationships. Dr. Nutting’s unwavering dedication and comprehensive approach make him a trusted source of support for those striving to achieve their goals.
What is your favourite business coaching program, and why?
In today’s bustling marketplace, the realm of coaching is abundant with good intentions and well-designed programs, each aimed at guiding clients toward personal and professional conclusions. As someone who has immersed myself in various coaching methodologies, I have discovered profound value in two specific approaches: The Life Leadership Paradigm and The Strategic Business Mindset. These frameworks have become my go-to tools, serving as starting points for empowering individuals and organizations to navigate challenges and achieve optimal growth.
The Life Leadership Paradigm, which forms the foundation of my life coaching, centers around several key principles. First and foremost, it emphasizes self-acceptance – an essential step in fostering genuine personal growth. By encouraging clients to embrace themselves fully, flaws and all, this concept enables them to embark on a transformative journey toward self-improvement.
Another crucial aspect of this approach is self-responsibility. It encourages individuals to recognize their agency in shaping their lives, empowering them to take ownership of their actions, choices, and outcomes. By assuming responsibility, clients gain a sense of control, enabling them to navigate obstacles with resilience and determination.
Respect for free will forms another pillar of this approach. It recognizes that each person possesses unique perspectives, desires, and aspirations. By honoring the autonomy and choices of others, we foster an environment of empathy and collaboration, where personal growth flourishes within the context of healthy relationships.
Integral to my coaching philosophy is the principle of “do no harm.” In a world rife with competition and aggression, this principle serves as a guiding light. It emphasizes the importance of ethical conduct, accepting that growth and success need not come at the expense of others. By fostering a supportive and compassionate environment, we can empower individuals to thrive while maintaining integrity and kindness.
Transitioning to my work in business coaching, I employ a powerful framework known as The Strategic Business Mindset. This process shares a profound synergy with The Life Leadership Paradigm, serving as a catalyst for healthy professional growth.
The Strategic Business Mindset encompasses similar core principles: self-acceptance, self-responsibility, respect for others, and ethical behavior. By honoring these values within an organizational context, we facilitate the development of resilient, collaborative, and successful teams.
An integral part of my business coaching approach involves fostering a quest for balance. The pursuit encompasses both personal and professional dimensions, recognizing that true success encompasses overall well-being. By encouraging leaders to cultivate unconditional self-love and care, we create a solid foundation for growth, resilience, and healthy decision making.
In summary, coaching is an invaluable tool for navigating the complexities of life and business. Through the utilization of transformational frameworks, we empower individuals and organizations to overcome obstacles and achieve holistic growth. By embracing these concepts, we create a conduit for both personal and professional success. As a coach, it is my passion to guide individuals on this empowering journey, enabling them to thrive and find harmony in all aspects of their lives.
5. Ross Nichols
A professional business mentor and professional certified coach with a holistic approach and a passion for helping others to succeed.
Ross provides a bespoke service, by responding to individual and group needs and helping you take control of your business or organization, set a direction, and achieve the success you want.
He partners with professionals in transition in a thought-provoking and creative process so that you can be your authentic self, follow the career or business that ignites your passions and purpose, and live life courageously.
He has a wealth of professional knowledge, skills, and experience. He’s faced hundreds of different situations in a 26-year career in the Army as a Royal Engineer, latterly in strategic management and business management. He’s also a member of 5 professional institutes and a wide range of national and regional business organizations and networking groups.
What is your favourite business coaching program, and why?
My favourite business coaching programme is my own: The Intuitive Business Plan, and The Intuitive Marketing Plan.
Few self-employed coaches have a business plan. We all keep putting it off; most of us would rather go to the dentist! A conventional business plan can be helpful however it’s my experience that the energy and commitment of the coach is more important for business success than the coach’s written plan.
If your business comes from your heart and soul, planning it with your head may not be the best way to create a plan that really works for you. What will pull your business forward is tapping into your sense of adventure, your intuition, and trust. This forms the basis of the Intuitive Business Coaching Programme.
Here is a flavour of what it involves.
In business, we get to choose our own adventure. This is about stepping into the unknown, discovering new worlds, overcoming challenges, and working out how to survive and thrive in the marketplace.
If you don’t feel daunted, unsure of yourself, like an imposter at times, then you haven’t launched yet. It’s only when you’ve burned your bridges and there is no way back that you truly commit to the business journey. When you commit to your business, there is only one way you can go, which is forward. You’ll know when you are called to this adventure: you will feel drawn to starting your own business, it lights you up when you talk about it and you just know you’ll regret it forever if you don’t do it.
Intuition is sometimes called ‘wisdom in action’. We all have intuition, yet our education system teaches us to use our senses and logical thinking in preference to our intuition. When I began to use my intuition for decision making, I found it to be more effective than logical thinking: I usually had better outcomes.
Similarly, when planning my business, I’d sat myself down on half a dozen occasions absolutely determined to write a conventional business plan, however, nothing happened! Despite lots of experience in writing and appraising business plans, I drew a blank every time.
Eventually, I understood that I felt I ‘should’ have a conventional business plan, but this wasn’t my voice; it was the ‘conventional wisdom’ speaking. What if I let go of these other voices and simply allowed my intuition to guide me? When I did this, 2 hours later I looked up and I’d written an intuitive business plan template. I populated it with my input and I’m still using it. This was a game changer for me, and my business has developed ever since.
Openness and trust are key qualities that will help you achieve your vision. This requires a leap of faith. Make that leap and you liberate yourself from all self-imposed constraints.
You now have a licence to try anything and everything – you can do whatever you want. This approach allowed me to discover hidden talents in myself (poetry for coaching anyone?) and to be constantly learning, open to new experiences, taking inspired yet manageable risks, finding new ways to serve my clients, and finding new clients in different market segments.
For me there is no destination, it’s all about the journey and I trust that I am always heading in my best direction. Even the detours are fun and useful.
There is a lot of ‘conventional wisdom’ out there about business plans. A conventional business plan can be useful, but logic and numbers aren’t the wellspring of your business.
As a coach, it’s your personal energy and commitment that will pull your business forward. Here are my tips for an intuitive approach to your business that taps into your heart and soul :
- The flipside of uncertainty and frustration is surprise and adventure. It’s going to be challenging and only when you truly commit to it will you begin to make real progress. Ask yourself: what adventure do I want to go on? Once you’ve made the decision to commit to this adventure, write a statement of everything you truly want in your business, then put it away. You’ll be surprised how much of it manifests over time.
- Use your intuition to plan your business. Coach yourself to create your own intuitive business plan. What outcomes do you want? What has meaning and purpose for you? What energises you?
- Openness and trust will help you attract the right resources and opportunities. This requires a leap of faith. Make that leap and you liberate yourself from all self-imposed constraints. This creates the space for everything you want to manifest in your business.
It feels appropriate to share a few of the wise words of Albert Einstein here: “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honours the servant and has forgotten the gift.”
Honouring my intuition is the best business move I’ve ever made, and my wish is that an intuitive business approach works for you too.
We appreciate all the leading coaches who took the time to share amazing responses. We hope the advice from those who have done it will help others to pick out a business coaching program that works for them!
Did you find these answers helpful?
If you are a coach, please feel free to share your thoughts on your favourite business coaching programs in the comments below.
You can also check out other helpful resources on coaching here.
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