Finding new clients or customers is one of the biggest ongoing challenges for any business, particularly when starting.
Learning how to say no is one of the most underutilized marketing strategies, especially when growing a coaching business.
3 Best Pieces of Advice
Dr. Marcia Reynolds
Determine where your potential clients go to find support services. I don’t recommend buying advertising for coaching. Most people hire coaches they feel personally connected to through conversations or when reading what they write or watching their videos.
Locally, what groups do they join that you could join as well? Where do they gather on social media? What social events do they attend, including the gyms they go to? Show up with advice. Don’t try to sell them. Be of service so they experience how you can help them.
Joseph Lerner
Two thoughts on obtaining new clients
1st – Make it known that this is who you are and what you do – “You’re calling” Passion, etc. – I refer to this as mission-driven.
2nd – make sure they know 3 things about you – They can trust you, you can help them, and you care.
Every solid relationship in life is built upon these principles.
Kathy Caprino
Start now in building a sizable mailing list of followers that you serve consistently (every week or two) who can benefit from your free content.
(Note: New coaches have to be of service to people in many different ways, and often for free, through their new materials, writing, interviews they conduct with experts, coaching assessments, or other free content, far longer than they’d expect before people will consider investing money working with them. It’s important to offer material that proves your efficacy as someone who can make a difference in their lives.
Read the full article here: How to Get Coaching Clients
2 Best Resources
1. How to Get Coaching Clients: 8 Successful Coaches Shared Their Best Methods
2. How To Find Coaching Clients By Owning Your Niche
1 Question For You
What worked the best for you to acquire new coaching clients in your practice?