Are you wondering what is a website wireframe and how to create it for a website?

A good wireframe helps you:

  • Enhance user satisfaction
  • Increase click through rate
  • Improve search ranking
  • Better user interface

You’ll not regret spending some time creating a wireframe before spending resources on start developing your website.

What is a website wireframe?

Your website wireframe is the same as the bone structure of the body.

The stronger the bones, the more you can do with your body.

Similarly, the better the website wireframe the greater the return on your investment will be.

The wireframe must-have elements your website needs for conversion. Instead of things only looking beautiful.

The elements that make a website beautiful:

  • Design
  • Fonts
  • Color pallet
  • Images
  • User flow

Things that are important for creating a website that helps you build traffic and convert that traffic into leads are:

  • Aspirational identity
  • The header that passes the grunt test
  • Stakes
  • Value Proposition
  • Guide
  • Plan
  • SEO Content
  • Footer

Optional elements

  • Video
  • Price choices

A fusion of beautiful website elements and the element you need makes a killer combination of a great website that helps you grow your business.

How to create a wireframe for a website

The simplest way to create a wireframe is using pen and paper or a whiteboard.

The goal of creating a website is mapping out the ideal journey of your client and making it simple for them to navigate through from first interaction to becoming a client.

Common goals for creating a good wireframe:

  • Download a lead generator
  • Schedule a call
  • Sign up for a course
  • Improve the conversion of all of the above three

Common items to organize in a wireframe :

  • Page layout
  • Posts
  • Links/navigation
  • Calls to actions
  • Popups
  • White space
  • User journey from start to end

The better you organize the above item in your wireframe the better final visual design you’ll and have and the better your website will perform. Moreover, you’ll have a streamlined final design process.

website wireframe
Website Header Wireframe Example

Tips to create a wireframe:

  • Keep it simple
  • Focus on one primary call to action per page
  • Create a wireframe for scanning. Most people scan information online

How to wireframe a responsive website

Responsive wireframes are dynamic and require less effort to introduce changes. A responsive web design of your website allows you to access freely all the screen resolutions and renders it to look great on all devices.

UX Designers usually make desktop wireframes first, but making wireframes for mobile devices first will help the webmasters to prioritize elements on the website. Webmasters can decide easily when to show the section on a smaller screen.

Tips to create a responsive responsive wireframe:

  • Define the screen dimensions
  • Using content containers to define the zones for your templates
  • Focus on one target layout first and a decent visual hierarchy
website wireframe

Best website wireframe templates

How to ensure that you have a complete website wireframe?

This was the biggest challenge until I stumbled upon the StoryBrand website template.

StoryBrand website template gives you:

  • List of sections every page must have
  • A framework to create each section
  • Clear calls to actions
  • Scan-able content
  • A simple way to create content

You can check out how to build a website post for the details.

Best wireframe tools

Here are a few popular wireframing tools for wireframe designs:

  • Miro – Miro wireframe is a library that allows you to create simple wireframes even if you have no knowledge or design experience. It has built-in UI kits.
  • Canva – Canva is a graphic design platform. You can find multiple free and premium wireframe templates here.
  • Figma – Figma is another free and very popular tool for wireframe templates as well as mobile apps. You can also collaborate with your team members.

Pick the one you feel most comfortable with from these different types of wireframe tools and create your wireframe mockup. These are all high fidelity wireframes.


Creating a website wireframe before you start developing your website will give you a solid foundation for your website.

Here are the three guiding principles for creating a winning wireframe:

  • Keep it simple
  • One call to action per page
  • All important pages should be accessible within two clicks

Are you happy with the performance of your website?

If not, feel free to request a free website audit.

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About Rana

Building a website that drives traffic and generates leads is challenging. Rana is a website development consultant and a Co-Founder of WP Minds, a website consulting service that helps coaches, trainers, authors, and creatives to create winning website strategy, develop high converting websites, attract visitors and convert leads into customers to grow their businesses.

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