In the ever-evolving landscape of coaching, staying informed about the latest trends and coaching statistics is not just a valuable asset – it’s a necessity.
Whether you’re a seasoned coach or considering a career in coaching, these statistics will provide valuable insights into the current state of coaching and leave a great impact on personal and professional development.
Here’s a comprehensive list of must-know coaching statistics for 2025, shedding light on the key insights and trends that are shaping the world of coaching today.
Let’s dive into the data and uncover the vital coaching trends of 2025.
Life Coaching Statistics
Life coaching has emerged as a powerful catalyst for personal transformation and growth. In this era of self-improvement and personal development, the role of life coaches has become increasingly significant.
To better understand the impact and trends within the world of life coaching, lets look into a collection of enlightening life coaching statistics.
These statistics shed light on the effectiveness of life coaching, its influence on individuals’ lives, and the evolving landscape of this transformative profession.
1. Coaching is a $2.85 billion global industry. This is a 21% increase since 2015. (Source)
2. There are 71,000 certified coaches worldwide and 23,000 in North America. (Source)
3. A case study shows that coaching can have a 221% ROI. (Source)
4. Salaries for life coach job openings go from $27,000 to $128,500. (Source)
5. Business coaching has a market size of $12 billion. (Source)
6. There are around 128,000 health coaches in the US. (Source)
7. 1.5 million searches are made every month for life coaches, business coaches, and executive coaches. (Source)
8. The demand for life coaches is still trending upward and the industry is expected to keep growing at about a 5.4% growth rate. (Source)
9. 90% of all the surveyed life coaches said they currently have active clients. (Source)
10. Female life coaches showed a steady increase in number and popularity (with a 3% rise from 67% in 2016 to 70% in 2020) across most regions excluding the Middle East and Africa. (Source)
11. Male life coaches were more likely (74%) to have a business specialty or a specific niche as compared to female coaches (61%). (Source)
12. 85% of surveyed coaches agreed that professional training and accreditation for life coaches are becoming increasingly important, especially for clients who fall in the managerial and executive categories. (Source)
Sales Coaching Statistics
Sales coaching plays a pivotal role in shaping the success of sales teams and organizations.
In today’s competitive business landscape, sales coaching has garnered increased attention for its potential to boost sales performance and revenue.
To gain a deeper understanding of the impact and dynamics of sales coaching, we explore a collection of illuminating sales coaching statistics.
These statistics illuminate the effectiveness of sales coaching, its influence on sales teams, and the evolving trends in this critical field.
13. Companies that provide effective sales coaching can see up to a 16.7% increase in revenue. (Source)
14. Successful sales coaching programs increased average deal size, sales activity, win rates, and new leads by 25%-40%. (Source)
15. 26% of high-performing sales reps say they get weekly coaching; only 20% of low-performing reps say the same. (Source)
16. 65% of sales reps who often or always hit goals attribute it to support from sales leadership. (Source)
17. Businesses with established sales coaching strategies achieve 91% of their quotas. (Source)
18. Despite the advantages of sales coaching, research from Seismic indicates that most managers only devote 5% of their time to coaching the staff. (Source)
19. Up to 29% more sales wins may be achieved with effective sales coaching. (Source)
20. The top 20% of sales coaches have teams that produce an average of $4.1M additional revenue. (Source)
21. 19% of respondents say scheduled sales coaching sessions happen only some of the time, and 19% say scheduled sales coaching sessions do not happen often. (Source)
22. It takes companies 2-3 years to establish their sales coaching programs. (Source)
23. ⅓ of high-performing companies have ongoing sales coaching programs. (Source)
24. Over half of companies with formal coaching programs in place for 3+ years experience high growth. (Source)
Business Coaching Statistics
Business coaching plays a pivotal role in the success and growth of organizations in today’s competitive landscape. As businesses seek to thrive and adapt, the demand for business coaches has surged.
In this exploration of business coaching statistics, we uncover essential insights into the impact of coaching on professional development, leadership effectiveness, and organizational performance.
25. The market size of business coaching in the United States grew to $14.2 billion and is expected to expand by a further 2.6% this year. (Source)
26. Between 2012 and 2022, the business coaching industry grew by more than $3 billion to surpass $14 billion. (Source)
27. In the United States, there are over 60,000 companies focused on business coaching that collectively employ over 111,000 people. (Source)
28. The average annual compensation for a business coach in the U.S. is $88,371. (Source)
29. Ibis World estimated that less than 5% of revenue was generated by the industry’s largest companies, suggesting that many small companies and individuals have a significant market share. (Source)
30. According to iPEC, 1.5 million searches are made every month by people and companies looking for life coaches, business coaches, and executive coaches. (Source)
31. 65% of coaches identify as business coaches. (Source)
32. 17% of life or business coaches work both as internal and external coaches, and most of them spend more time in their internal coaching practice (54%). (Source)
33. About 42% of all business organizations do not use a business coach, although the executives involved in this survey agreed that business coaching was valuable (70%). (Source)
34. Nearly 77% of the respondents of a study reported that business coaching had a significant impact on at least one out of nine business measures. (Source)
35. Some of the statistics on business coaching they gathered are 70% accepted business coaching is “very valuable.” (Source)
36. According to one report, Western Europe accounts for 32.2% of revenue. This is quite high, making it one of the largest markets for business coaching in the world. (Source)
Executive Coaching Statistics
Executive coaching has become a cornerstone of leadership development and organizational success. As businesses navigate the complexities of today’s competitive landscape, the demand for executive coaching continues to rise.
In this exploration of executive coaching statistics, we uncover key insights into the impact of coaching on leadership effectiveness, corporate culture, and business outcomes.
37. A Fortune 500 company wanted to study the ROI of Executive Coaching. They found that 77% of respondents indicated that coaching had a significant impact on at least one of nine business measures. (Source)
38. 86% of organizations saw an ROI on their Coaching engagements, and 96% of those who had an Executive Coach said they would repeat the process again. (Source)
39. A study on executive coaching’s effect revealed an average ROI of 5.7 times the initial investment or a return of over $100,000. (Source)
40. 12% of all executive coaches have taken up the roles of checking up on behavioral aspects and discipline factors in their coaches professional circles. (Source)
41. Among Executive Coaches, 47.1% of them are women compared to 46.1% which are men. (Source)
42. In one study, executive coaching had a 788% ROI thanks to increases in areas like productivity and employee satisfaction. 77% of respondents said that coaching had a significant impact on at least one of nine business measurements. (Source)
43. A survey of 100 executives showed that the average ROI of executive coaching was almost 6x the cost of coaching. (Source)
44. A reliable ROI for executive coaching has been reported as 500%-700%. (Source)
45. Executive coaching helps women improve their performance, satisfaction, and well-being. (Source)
46. Most executive coaches charge between $200 and $500 per hour with a median hourly rate of $425. (Source)
47. A study of the effect of executive coaching on a Fortune 500 company concluded that it produced a 529% return on investment and significant intangible benefits to the business. (Source)
48. 86% of businesses received a return on their coaching investments, and 96% of those who used executive coaches indicated they would do it again. (Source)
Financial Coaching Statistics
Financial coaching plays a crucial role in helping individuals and families navigate the complex world of personal finance.
As people increasingly seek to achieve financial well-being and security, financial coaches have become trusted guides on this journey.
To gain deeper insights into the impact and trends within the realm of financial coaching, we explore a compilation of illuminating financial coaching statistics.
These statistics illuminate the effectiveness of financial coaching, its influence on individuals’ financial lives, and the evolving landscape of this essential profession.
49. A Citigroup project showed that 54% of clients with no savings at the start had some savings after participating in a financial coaching program. (Source)
50. The average start-up cost of a financial coaching business runs from $2,000 to $7,000. (Source)
51. 48% of clients with savings at the beginning of the project had increased that amount after getting coached. (Source)
52. The average fee of a financial coach is $250/hr, though as a new coach you’ll start at a lower price, maybe $100, and then $150. (Source)
53. 55% of people with unsecured debt at the start of the program had decreased their amount of debt (the median decrease was $3,005). (Source)
54. A study treatment group accumulated $1,200 in savings and ended up with average debt in collections about two-thirds lower than that of the control group. The total debt among the treatment group declined by $10,650. (Source)
55. Financial coaching and confidence, budgeting, saving, and goal formation have been linked together. (Source)
In conclusion, it’s evident that coaching is not just a passing trend but a powerful tool for personal and professional development.
The statistics presented here underscore the importance of staying informed and adaptable in the coaching field, whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or someone considering a future in coaching.
Let’s continue to leverage the power of coaching to inspire, empower, and achieve remarkable results in the years ahead.
If you’re looking to start your own coaching journey, get in touch with us now or you may also find these resources helpful!
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